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Songkran Well Wishes

Songkran Well Wishes

Austrian Embassy

On behalf of the Austrian Embassy, it is with great pleasure that I express my very best wishes to Thailand and the Thai people for a very Happy Songkran Festival celebration 2023! May the New Year bring health, happiness and prosperity to all of you! On Songkran, the Thai people celebrate the New Year by visiting temples and praying for a happy New Year, but it is also known for the world-famous water-battles in the streets all over the country, and I am looking forward to joining these events myself with my newly bought water gun. Happy Songkran Festival! Suk San Wan Songkran!


Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain

My sincere greetings to you from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain in Bangkok. As we celebrate the Songkran festival, marking the Thai New Year, I am delighted to extend my warmest wishes to the people of Thailand. May this festive season bring you joy, happiness,  and success, and may the coming year be filled with good health and prosperity. In the spirit of the occasion, Suk San Wan Songkran to all, and have a happy Songkran Day!


Embassy of Ireland

I want to wish everyone in Thailand a Happy Songkran, and all good health and fortune for the year ahead.  For my wife, Sonali, and me, this will be our first experience of the Thai New Year festival since we moved to Bangkok. We are really looking forward to learning more about the symbolism and rituals associated with this occasion.  I love the idea of washing away the bad things from the old year and moving forward into a new year with fresh hope and renewed energy.  Also, as Irish Ambassador, I have always said I wanted to make a splash, and I guess this is a good chance to do just that! , Suk san wan Songkran!


Embassy of Israel

As the Kingdom of Thailand is celebrating Songkran Festival and welcoming the Thai New Year, I would like to extend my heartfelt greetings to the Thai people and Elite+ readers. I wish and hope that the New Year will bring peace and prosperity to all of us, all around the world. May the water sprinkled during Songkran celebrations bring you good health and happiness! SUKSAN WAN SONGKRAN!


Embassy of Italy

As we celebrate the Thai New Year, I would like to extend my warmest wishes to you and your families. Songkran is not just a time for fun and festivities, but also a time for reflection and renewal. It is a time to pay respect to our elders, honour traditions and make new beginnings.

May the water we splash during Songkran wash away all our worries, fears and troubles and fill our hearts with joy, love and happiness. May this Thai New Year bring us new opportunities, experiences and reasons to celebrate life. Happy Songkran!


Embassy of Kazakhstan

Sawasdee krub, dear Thai friends!, On behalf of the staff of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Bangkok and on my own behalf, I would like to share with you our best wishes on the occasion of the upcoming Thai New Year. May the brightness and happiness of Songkran fill your life with new energies and good opportunities. May the Thai New Year bless the people of Thailand with continued good health, happiness and prosperity. Happy Songkran Festival! Suk San Wan Songkran!


Embassy of the Republic of Korea

On the occasion of the celebration of Songkran, I wish to convey to the people of Thailand, in my own name and on behalf of the Republic of Korea, warmest and best wishes for the Thai New Year. Korea and Thailand celebrate the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year, and our relations continue to grow stronger in numerous fields, including economics, tourism, culture and technology. As the Korean Ambassador to Thailand, I will engage in heartfelt efforts to ensure that Korea continues to be a reliable and future-oriented partner of Thailand. With our friendship in mind, may the Thai New Year bless the people of Thailand with continued good health, happiness and prosperity. Wishing everyone a happy Songkran!


Embassy of Luxembourg

Happy Thai New Year. This is my first Songkran as Ambassador of Luxembourg to Thailand. My family and I have been here for half a year. I am learning Thai and getting familiar with the rich local culture. I know that Songkran is more than just a fun festival, it is also an opportunity to start over. I wish to all our Thai friends a happy and healthy Songkran, and to all of us a year marked by peace, humanity and sustainability.


Embassy of Peru

On behalf of the Peruvian government and people, I would like to express my warmest wishes to the people of Thailand on the occasion of the celebration of Songkran. This event is not only a time for happiness, but also to reflect on gratitude, unity and new beginnings. While celebrating the spectacular water festival, let us also take a moment to cherish the warmth and kindness that embodies Thai culture and the strong bonds of friendship between our two nations, Peru and Thailand. May this occasion bring happiness, prosperity and success to all. Suk San Wan Songkran!


Embassy of Philippines

As the full celebration and festivities of Songkran return this year, on behalf of the Filipino people, I wish the whole Kingdom of Thailand a Happy Thai New Year! May this joyful occasion usher in the next era of happiness, good health, prosperity and harmony to the people of Thailand and the world. The Philippines looks forward to building a stronger, deeper and more resilient relationship with the Kingdom as we add yet another year to the more than seven decades of vibrant Philippines-Thailand diplomatic relations. Khor sawatdee wan Songkran ka! Mabuhay!


Embassy of Sweden

I am certain that many of you will make your way back to your hometowns to spend time with your family and relatives. As a member of the group called “Embassy Friends of Road Safety”, I would like to raise your awareness to reduce casualties due to road accidents, especially during this festival which is reported to be a period of a particularly high number of road accidents. Please follow traffic rules, fasten your seatbelts, wear helmets and refrain from drinking and driving. On behalf of the Embassy, I would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Songkran Festival.


Embassy of Switzerland

Suk San Wan Songkran! I wish to all Thai people a Happy Songkran and a year filled with joy and good health! , This year, we can finally celebrate Songkran again without pandemic restrictions. We can freely gather with family & friends once more. May the Songkran water wash away problems and sorrows. Let the water of Songkran remind us that our planet needs to cool down as well! , May the New Year bring us new hope & energy to face the challenges ahead together.


Embassy of Turkish

Sawasdee ka!, On behalf of the Turkish Embassy in Bangkok, I extend to the Thai nation my wholehearted wishes for a Happy Songkran. The Thai New Year symbolises vitality, fertility, cleanliness and benevolence. It is such a happy occasion for us to see our Thai friends share these virtues to their loved ones by sprinkling water on each other. Although last February marked one of the most tragic events in Türkiye’s modern history, the devastating earthquakes that took the lives of tens of thousands of our citizens, the Thai people, with their kindness, generosity and solidarity, sprinkled some hope in our hearts as well. We thank you all once again for your selflessness and wish the entire Thai nation a fresh and bright New Year.


Embassy of United Kingdom

Suk San Wan Songkran to Everyone! As we approach Songkran, I would like to send my best wishes to all who will be celebrating this holiday. Songkran is a wonderful time for families and friends to celebrate and be together. As the world is recovering from the pandemic, I hope everyone can use this Songkran period to reconnect with their loved ones. As the British Ambassador to Thailand, I frequently enjoy the beauty and diversity of Thai culture and am proud to be a part of our two countries' strong and enduring friendship. I look forward to working with friends and colleagues in Thailand in the coming year to build new and fruitful partnerships for the future. Wishing everyone a New Year of Good Health and Happiness!

In the business community, she serves on the Board of Directors with the Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association. Kathy is on the Thailand Tatler Magazine Expat Society The 200 List. She is the Honorary Columnist and contributing writer to a few leading English magazines. She and her husband, RADM Dr Boonyarit Pokrud have one son who is currently based in Boston, USA.

Kathleen Pokrud

In the business community, she serves on the Board of Directors with the Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association. Kathy is on the Thailand Tatler Magazine Expat Society The 200 List. She is the Honorary Columnist and contributing writer to a few leading English magazines. She and her husband, RADM Dr Boonyarit Pokrud have one son who is currently based in Boston, USA.